Friday, August 21, 2009

Girls' Night In

Well, tonight was a SMASHING success! The kids had a movie night at school but we were unable to go due to me being sick and really not wanting to be out and about. Instead we decided to have movie night here at home and watch Bedtime Stories. This was the same movie that they were showing at the school so I opted to watch it as well so that the girls would not feel too left out. Well, we ended up inviting a couple of their friends over and had sandwiches, popcorn, ice cream, candy and root beer! We all had a great time and the movie ended with Journey's Don't Stop Believing as the song during the credits. Of course, all the girls knew the song and we all got up and started dancing and singing to it. It was really awesome!
Honestly, if you get the chance, watch this movie. If you have kiddos, watch it with them. It is a really cute movie and a neat concept. Basically it is about this guy, his niece and nephew, and the stories that they tell at bedtime. The stories end up coming true in some respect and it is an interesting concept to think about. In my opinion, it is a form of positive visualization that could work well if properly applied. (Not to get TOO new agey on you guys, LOL)
Anyways, that is all for tonight. Hope you all have an awesome weekend!

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