Thursday, October 15, 2009

RIP Mr Beeks

I found out yesterday that my friend and supervisor at work passed away. He was a great supervisor and an even better person. I owe everything that I did at that job to him. He was willing to get me the help that I needed in the beginning and when I came into my own there, he was able to make sure that I was able to pass my knowledge along to other n00bs. My thoughts go out to his widow and I hope that somehow she reads this and knows that her husband touched many lives. Will was an embodiment of living life and not taking anything for granted. While most people never see their bosses in a social setting other than work, he was willing to let people show that he was just one of the regular guys. He never seemed to think that he was better than anyone else and that rubbed off on a lot of people. A friend put it best when he said, "From eating pizza and playing the Wii in team meetings, to helping him paint his house it has been fun! You will always be remembered as one of the best!"
While I never actually helped paint his house, I do remember the housewarming party and getting to chill with him, his wife, and a bunch of the guys from work. It was a lot of fun and one of the best times that I had this past year.
I hope that wherever his is, he is at peace and able to breathe freely.

RIP Will Beeks, you are loved and missed.

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